It was first identified in 2012 and appeared mainly on the Arabian Peninsula. In the meantime the virus has been detected in Asia from where we reach reports of an increased number of infected. As the holiday season dawns upon us and education (as always) plays an important part in preventive and protective measures, we have created a detailed model of the MERS-CoV, to make the dangerous pathogens visible. Of course, we also offer this figure completely free and available for use.
Illustrations of the MERS-CoV in detail and available for free use
Illustrations of the MERS-CoV in detail and available for free use
Download ZIP (images of the MERS-CoV without watermark)
The illustrations can be used for free simply by naming the author ©medicalvision in all media and should, in doing so, serve and support scientific understanding. We would be delighted for any suggestions or feedback via e-mail – or tweet to @medicalvisionDE.